Dr. Kyana Barakett is a Los Angeles based licensed Clinical Psychologist, who practices psychoanalytic, somatic, and hypnotherapy with the aim of integrating all facets of the Self. Her interest in socially and culturally informed, integrative, whole-body practice has led her to work with adults interested in developing a therapeutic relationship that can facilitate emotionally transformative experiences, both in California, and abroad.

Her focus on adolescent studies pre-doctorally helped inform the developmental understanding she now brings to her work, which was further informed by her two year doctoral and postdoctoral fellowship in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the Wright Institute Los Angeles. Other experiences in community mental health, including a yearlong training program at the Los Angeles LGBT Center, created a solid foundation for serving the LGBTQI+ community.

Her curiosity about the mind - body - spirit connection continues to fuel her ongoing education focused on integrating and releasing unconscious emotion on all levels, and on tapping into one’s innate ability and desire for healing. She is a certified Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) practitioner, has completed in-depth clinical hypnosis trainings through the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH), and has studied an abundance of clinically validated breathwork, and meditation practices.